Sunday, July 27, 2008

Briefing for Raid Caneo Nature

The Raid Caneo Nature briefing was held yesterday at Maison De la Butte Ronde, Gerard Fusil's introduction provided no surprises as teams had already received the Raid Book and a list of maps. Clarification was given regarding sections of the route and the procedures to be used regarding the GeoPointer tracking system and Sports Ident which will b used in orienteering sections. All but one team attended the briefing, Fous de Bassin was expected to arrive during the evening and one member of the all female team was expected to arrive today.

The ride and run which starts the race on Monday in Versailles will be controlled by setting off teams in numerical order to avoid possible confusion as they trot around the palace grounds and out onto the course.

David Ogden - International Adventurers.